
Founded by educators equipped with degrees in Life Science and Marine Biology, Young Nautilus is an education enrichment partner for schools and families that provide fun and engaging science learning journeys. By fostering a deeper understanding of the world and the dynamic changes that shape it, we enrich what are taught in the MOE syllabus.

Most importantly, as their learning catalyst, our educators are equipped with the pedagogy skills required to inspire participants’ learning through application and inquiry-based activities.

Young Nautilus is a learning catalyst


Our Vision

Within the spiral shape of the Nautilus shell contains many chambers that it develops continually. As there is no “final” chamber, this amazing animal continues building new chambers during its entire life. Just like the Nautilus, we seek to help students to be inspired and to empower them with life skills that will assist them to add on new knowledge “chambers” for various stages in life.  Learning and gaining knowledge should never stop.

Young Nautilus inspires and empower students to keep learning


Our Mission

To provide inquiry-based learning journeys that foster a deeper understanding of their world and the dynamic changes that shape it.  Through these experiences we seek to inspire students to become more aware and to share finding and experiences with their peers and their community.

Young Nautilus inspires students to share experiences with their peers and community


Awards and Accreditation

Member of Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise, raiSE


Ng Lee Kiang, co-founder of Young Nautilus, was awarded the 2024 Blue Water Heroes Award, at Blue Water EduFest in Singapore. Organised by ONE°15 Marina and Tatler Gen.T and recognised by Dr. Slyvia Earle, the event celebrated the significant impact Young Nautilus has made in marine conservation and education!