What does it take to be a Marine Scientist?
Join us on a Day camp by our coastal area as a Family of “Marine Scientists”, as we explore our local nature biodiversity, discover the mysteries of Squids via a dissection class, and get hands-on to do a beach clean up to protect our nature backyards!
Let’s get our water shoes ready, magnifying glass to observe the plants & animals, and take a glimpse of
what it would be like to be a Marine Scientist for a day!
*BYO (Bring-your-own Food for some snack time)
*Programmes are recommended for children of age 6 years old and above.
Parents/ Adults are encouraged to join for a fun family bonding session.
*Kindly note that depending on the easing of social restriction, you may be grouped with other families to a maximum of 10pax in a group.
*Please kindly note that due to social restrictions, NParks consider a child / toddler / baby of any age to be accounted as one headcount for groupings, all participants (regardless of age) will be chargeable. Thanks for your kind understanding!
*Other T&Cs apply.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Public Nature Walks
Have questions about our Nature Walks? Please check out our FAQs here to have your questions answered!
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